Thursday, November 11, 2010

TIAMLFTA the USA # 23: Personal Vehicles

You want to go to the store? Hop in the car. You want something to eat? Hop in the car. You want to do anything? You hop in the car. Now we can quibble about how bikes are better than cars all day, but the fact of the matter is I would take just about form of personally motivated transportation over the cattle car buses I’ve been bouncing around on for the last two months. Even getting walk places would be an improvement. It is easy enough to walk around Florence itself, but we’re a ways away from the city here in Settigano. Something to look forward to.

I assume that it will be hard to transition back to standard, comfortable life in the USA when my time abroad is over. So, to help me get psyched about the Kansas January and term papers that await me in the spring I am starting a list of things I am looking forward to Stateside. Look for more “Things I am Most Looking Forward to About the USA,” or “TIAMLFTA the USA” (pronounced “tee-am-left-a”) for short, in the weeks and months to come!

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